Thursday, January 31, 2013

So many different ways to be creative

One of my favorite things about art is there as SO many different ways to be creative. Look a this amazing maze that took 7 years to make! Here's one picture to catch your interest. Click the link for more!

Man Spends 7 Years Drawing Incredibly Intricate Maze mazes games drawing

Friday, January 25, 2013

2nd Semester - Weaving, Clay and Printmaking!

During second semester most grade levels move into a lot of 3D art. (three dimensional, not flat but taking up space and "popping out" think about the difference between a regular and a 3D movie!) In addition to creating artwork that is actually three dimensional, second through 5th will employ various drawing techniques that create the illusion of depth on a flat surface.

Coming soon! Examples of our projects investigating different aspects of 3D art!