This page is dedicated to images and ideas I find inspiring and hope you will too!

Getting up close and personal with bugs! This slide show shows how one young artist found inspiration in a very unlikely place. BUGS! He used his digital camera and a special lens to zoom in and capture incredible detail. What do you think? Are you surprised insects could be so interesting? Click the link above to go to the slideshow.

Bugging out: Yound amatuer photographer captures bugs up close

JURASSIC PARK just came out in 3D. I don't know if you've ever thought about the actual ART that goes into creating a movie like that, but here's a video detailing the process designer went through to make the raptors look real!

I came across a news article about the COOLEST "new-to-me" artist I've learned about in a long time. His name is Andreas Franke. He is a photographer AND an avid SCUBA diver. He takes photos of sunken ships and digitally combines them with images of people he sets up in a studio (on dry land).

The result is very unique, slightly spooky photos that feel like they're from another world! The best part is he encases the pictures in acrylic and displays them on the sunken ship he took the pictures of for SCUBA divers to see!

After a while he brings them back up and displays them for all of us "land lubbers" to see. Being in the ocean causes changes to the acrylic that he leaves there. 

Check out his website by clicking the link above and be sure to check out the video below!.

My Favorite artist! Wayne Thiebaud. He is best known for his paintings of delicious deserts, but he does so much more. What do you think? Do they look good enough to eat?

Sometimes Art isn't just to look pretty (fabulous!). 

This webpage is for the artist Rick Wittrig. He makes amazing metal sculptures that are also fire pits! After looking at his work, try describing how the sculptures look unlit during the day time and then describe them with a fire burning inside at night!

I found another cool experiment! check out this webpage/video about what happens when you put Ivory soap in the  microwave! I might have to try it right after school =-)

Nature is a HUGE inspiration for me. Every year I love to pick an "Eagle-Cam" to watch as mom and dad eagle, lay an egg(s), hatch them and the baby grows up and fledges (flys away). The camera I'm watching this season is the Decorah Eagles. Check out the beautiful birds here

Watch the video for a bit, check out Mom, Dad and at least two eaglets and then let me know what type of art you might make from their inspiration. 

Do you know what Oobleck is? Watch this video to find out, and then make some of your own!

* Did you know Octopus can walk on land!?!?!

Sometimes your imagination is more fun that real life. Below is a picture of the Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights) by artist Jeddaka. This amazing occurrence is on my top ten list of "Things to See". What do you think causes these beautiful colors in the sky?

This is a video of an interview with author/illustrator Lois Ehlert (author of the book Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf) talking about her experience with art growing up.  


Do you have a special place you like to create things? I do! I like to spread out my supplies right in the middle of the living room so everyone can see what I'm doing and I can talk to them while I'm creating my newest masterpiece. When I was little my mom used to make me put down a towel incase I made a mess. Which I usually did!